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At Home With Monica Rich Kosann

April 19th, 2020

Monica Rich Kosann | Alson Jewelers

Keeping in touch with our team, clients and designers is important to us, especially during this time when we’re all sheltering in place.  We recently checked in with New York City based jewelry designer Monica Rich Kosann.  Monica’s collection of 18K yellow gold and sterling silver lockets, charm bracelets and other fine jewelry started from the idea that every woman has a story to tell. Her pieces are timeless, yet have a modern and stylish flair that appeal to women of all ages.  We chatted about her jewelry line, staying home and what she’s cooking!  Read on to find out what Monica has been doing while at home.

What’s your go-to at home outfit?

Jeans and a white shirt or sweater.

What are you cooking?

I am cooking every night now its crazy! My European roots are really kicking in. I made a Weiner Schnitzel the other night, sausage and lentil soup today for lunch, and chicken & veggies tonight. I just don’t bake.  Anything else I love to make!

What has inspired your designs during this time at home?

I have been looking through all my art books almost daily and all my vintage fashion magazines I have saved over the years. I also started to review all my sketchbooks…I forgot about so many ideas and designs I had doodled.

 | Alson Jewelers

 | Alson Jewelers

What’s your favorite song right now on your playlist?

Indigo Girls “Closer to Fine”.   I blast it really loud in my studio and my husband comes in and makes it lower.

What piece of jewelry brings you comfort?

Right now it would have to be my slim locket with my grandson in it and my Dorothy medallion, which is keeping me strong.

Monica Rich Kosann Dorothy Medallion | Alson Jewelers

What are you binge watching on Netflix?

I love historic movies with beautiful costumes and jewelry, its so inspiring. Old movies on TMC, and we just finished Ozark. I loved it because Laura Linney plays such a badass woman!

Book you can’t put down right now.

I am reading every morning “The Power of Myth” by Joseph Campbell.  I know its old, but I find it so inspirational. I am reading it very slowly and underlining passages.

Book | Alson Jewelers

What’s bringing you joy?

My family. But also, I have been FaceTiming with some clients and I always LOVE talking to them! Not as good as in person but better than nothing!

What are you looking forward to most?

Eating in a restaurant and walking around the city.  Oh, and wearing some heels!

Favorite snack?


What is your quarantine cocktail?

Wine, wine and more wine!

Favorite workout?

Gyrotonics with my teacher on FaceTime, and I try and do the Peloton here and there.

Where’s your favorite place to hang out in your home?

There are so many places in my house that bring me joy. I love looking at my family photos and all the collectibles we have picked up over the years. They allow me to travel back to these places we visited in my head and it makes me happy. So many stories!

 | Alson Jewelers

If you’re looking for a special gift, or to treat yourself, browse Monica Rich Kosann’s designs on our website.  We cannot wait to reopen again and see you back in our store.  In the meantime, please stay in touch with us at should you have any questions or requests.  If you’re looking for some much needed distraction from the news, check out our website and Pinterest page.  We’re very social and would love to connect with you!  Join us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.