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Austin and I met at work on May 17, 2013. (We both work for the local municipally owned powered company in Cleveland.)


Austin planned a surprise engagement party/wedding all in the same day without me knowing, I was completely surprised. He told me that he was planning on taking me to a very special dinner to express his love and appreciation for me on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 (which is exactly the 3 year anniversary of the first time we met). He told me to take the day off from work and gave me his credit card to get my hair and nails done. I did not eat anything all day as I was anticipating a wonderful dinner, but little did I know that there wasn’t any food involved in our future plans on that very special day. We both got all dolled up and were ready to head out to our special dinner around 6:00 pm, and as we were driving he threw a wrench in our plans… he said “let’s stop by the Velvet Tango Room to have a pre-dinner cocktail” and I didn’t think anything of it because it’s our favorite spot to grab a cocktail. We walked in, sat down at the bar and enjoyed our delicious cocktail. Then he said "let’s go check out the back room!", and when we did everyone we know and love jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!!!" Initially, I was so thrown off that I couldn’t understand what was happening… I was confused! As I scoped around the room I saw so many familiar faces and when my eyes were set on Austin, he grabbed my hand and got down on one knee to propose to me. I was completely overwhelmed, yet I quickly accepted his marriage offer. I thought to myself "wow, what a pretty awesome guy he is because he planned this entire surprise engagement party!"... But the surprises did not stop there! After I accepted his marriage proposal, Austin said “Well, why wait? Let’s just do it right here, right now!” Now that blew my mind, I was even more thrown off and confused than ever. He had a beautiful dress for me made by his mother, he had a gorgeous bouquet, a wedding officiant/friend and had my best friend in on the plan so she had make up on hand and anything else I may have needed. The funniest part of this story is… none of the guests knew why their presence was being requested. They were asked to gather into a room with hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, but they actually had no clue that they were being invited to a wedding. He said the less people knew, the less potential there was for the secret to be spoiled. He even disclosed is plan to Sonia, Heather and some of the other ladies at your establishment… so your staff was in on this huge surprise as well!

melissa-austin | Alson Jewelers


My engagement right is absolutely gorgeous! It is surrounded by diamonds, but they aren’t all the same size because it’s somewhat of a scalloped pattern with a beautiful center stone. He also asked Sonia to have a wedding band made to match my engagement ring because you did not have a matching one available.

melissa-austin-ring | Alson Jewelers