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Getting Rid Of Your Unwanted Jewelry

May 28th, 2014

Cleaning out your jewelry box is like cleaning out your closet.  It’s a job that you really don’t want to do, but you know that it needs to get done.  A general rule of thumb for clothing is if you haven’t worn it in the last year, get rid of it.  Well, the same can be said for jewelry.  An exception to that rule is if the jewelry holds deep sentimental value.  That being said, there is no reason to hold on to jewelry that you no longer wear.  So what should you keep and when is it time to part with your jewelry?  We have a guide to help you through the task of deciding what to keep and what pieces you should trade-in or sell. Read on for our suggestions.

1. It’s Damaged Beyond Repair

Often jewelry or watches become damaged and are not able to be salvaged.  When this is the case, bring in the damaged jewelry to our store.  We will evaluate the pieces and let you know the value.  Often if the damaged pieces are made of gold or contain diamonds, we will be able to offer you a fair price for the metal and gemstones.

2. It’s Out Of Style

Rings | Alson Jewelers

If you’re no longer wearing a piece of jewelry because you feel it is out-of-date,  there is no reason for it to take up valuable real estate in your jewelry box.  If your engagement ring is dated, we suggest remounting the diamond into a beautiful new setting or trading it in for a new ring.  Most jewelry can be restyled, traded in or sold.

3.  It Doesn’t Fit

Many women hold on to jewelry that no longer fits hoping that they will lose weight and it will fit again.  We are able to resize rings, add links to bracelets or watches and extend  the links on necklaces.  That way, you are able to enjoy wearing your favorite pieces of jewelry and they will not collect dust in your jewelry box.

4. You Associate It With Bad Memories

No need to hold on to that engagement ring or wedding band from your ex.  Bring it in and get cash for those pieces.  You may be able to take that beach vacation you always wanted with the cash received from your jewelry.

5. No One In The Family Wants It

We often inherit jewelry from relatives that sits in our jewelry box.  If you are not wearing the piece and no one in the family wants it, this would be a good time to sell it or trade it in towards something that you would wear and enjoy.

6. You Want Something New!

Sometimes a girl just needs something sparkly and new!  You can trade in your jewels that haven’t been worn for something that you’ll enjoy wearing everyday.

So what are you waiting for?  Take ten minutes and go through your jewelry box.  Bring your jewelry into us for an evaluation and we’ll evaluate it on the spot and let you know exactly what it’s worth.  We buy, sell and trade diamonds one carat and larger.  The money you get from that diamond ring gathering dust may turn into the trip you’ve always dreamed about!